fun facts

Fun Facts About Pumpkins!

October 26th, 2012

Since October is one of the most fun months, we decided to share some fun facts about a pretty iconic part of Halloween here on our blog. Read on to learn something new about the pumpkin!

•Pumpkins are a fruit that originated in Central America.
•The name "pumpkin" comes from the Greek word "pepon," meaning a large melon.
•90% of the pumpkin is made up of water.
•The yellow-orange flowers that bloom from a pumpkin vine are edible.
•Using pumpkins as lanterns at Halloween is based on an ancient Celtic custom brought to America by European immigrants.
•The world's heaviest pumpkin was grown by Chris Stevens (USA) and was recorded on October 9, 2010 weighing 1,810.5 lbs. (source: Guinness World Records)
•Pumpkins, and their seeds, were a celebrated food of the Native American Indians who treasured them both for their dietary and medicinal properties.
•Illinois grows more pumpkins than any other state in the country. It harvests nearly 12,300 acres of fruit.

Fun facts! From Geller Orthodontics

July 29th, 2010

Who loves fun facts? Most people. Who loves orthodontic facts? Everyone we know. Our pals at the American Association of Orthodontists have come up with some fun facts about orthodontics that Drs. Geller & Cohen and our staff thought you might enjoy. Have a terrific rest of the week, and we hope you're enjoying your summer so far!

• There are nearly 4 million people in orthodontic treatment throughout the United States. Three out of four are younger than 18.

• The first mechanical treatment for correcting irregular teeth was suggested by Gaius Plinius Secundus (A.D 23-79).The American Association of Orthodontists is comprised of more than 12,000 members in the United States, Canada and abroad.

• The time required to complete orthodontic treatment ranges from 12 to 36 months depending on the nature and severity of the problem.

• Of the 160,000 dentists in the United States and Canada, 8,000 are practicing orthodontists.

• The cement that attaches the braces to the teeth is now made with a special fluoride-releasing substance.

• Wires activated by body heat used in today's braces originally were developed by NASA for use in the space program.

• Famous orthodontic patients include: Dr. Joyce Brothers, Hale Irwin, Cher, Diana Ross, Phyllis Diller, Chelsea Clinton, Whoopi Goldberg, Daisy Fuentes and Brandi.

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